Or maybe you’re not even sure it’s your place to broach the subject. Another medication for meth addiction, ibudilast, may reduce some of the pleasurable effects meth addiction of meth. According to evidence from early clinical trials, anti-methamphetamine monoclonal antibodies may reduce and slow the effects of meth in the brain.
In some individuals, these symptoms can be so severe that hospitalization may be necessary. Rehab programs focus intensely on preventing self-harm, with round-the-clock oversight and crisis management plans. This can involve one-on-one counseling, participation in support groups, and, in some instances, the use of antidepressant medication to stabilize mental health. In a rehab program, fatigue is managed through nutrition, rest, and exercise, as well as through the compassionate support of a team of health professionals. They will structure your day to facilitate healing sleep patterns and gradually increase activity levels. The first semester turned into the second, the second into the third, and before I knew it, a year had passed.
With proper treatment, individuals can learn to manage the possible side effects of repeated use and disruption to the brain, and minimize instances of relapse for a healthy recovery. People who regularly inject the drug may suffer from collapsed veins and a higher risk for contracting HIV/AIDS or hepatitis. Snorting meth can damage sinus cavities and nasal passages, and lead to chronic nosebleeds https://ecosoberhouse.com/ and/or a perpetual runny nose. Smoking meth may lead to respiratory damage and lung complications. Supporting a person throughout treatment and recovery can seem challenging, but with the help of a family therapy and support program, loved ones can learn the best way to do this. Outpatient rehab programs provide flexible and convenient options for people who do not need inpatient treatment.
I tried to quit on my own by calling in sick to work, sleeping for three days, and only getting up to use the bathroom and eat a family pack of Red Vines or a stack of pancakes. In the trial, 77 of 154 patients in treatment for opioid use disorder received 16 hours of training in MORE. The program literally included observing and smelling roses.
Why are there no treatments for cocaine and meth addiction?.
Posted: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]
At FHE Health, our caring and compassionate addiction specialists are always available. We’re here to answer your phone calls and respond to your online messages day and night, 365 days a year. Contact us to get started on the path to quitting meth and reclaiming a healthy, clean, and productive life.
People who are struggling with meth use or addiction may also develop problems at home, work, or school and begin to ignore important responsibilities that relate to these things. When a person first starts taking meth, they’ll likely go to great lengths to hide their drug use. In the beginning, they might succeed; however, as such a powerful drug, the toll of meth use can quickly become evident. After completing inpatient treatment, your treatment team will decide which level of follow-up care is appropriate for you.